I can use computational thinking to design, build, program, and improve a robot.
Today, we will be learning about algorithm design. Algorithm design is the process of creating the steps we need to solve a problem. This is important for solving many problems, but we will be focusing on programming a robot to complete a task.
Once you have created an algorithm to make your robot accomplish it’s task, you will collect data about your robot and use it to make improvements.
AKS-2 use digital tools (e.g. computers, tablets, cameras, software, 3D printers, etc.€¦) to build knowledge, produce creative artifacts, and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others
AKS-4 use the Design Process (use, modify, create) with a variety of tools to identify and solve problems by creating new, modified, or imaginative solutions
AKS-5 develop and employ Computational Thinking strategies (break-down, find patterns, and create algorithms) to identify and solve problems
E - I can use computational thinking to successfully design, build, program, and improve a robot.
S - I did not use computational thinking to design, build, program, and improve a robot.
N - I can use computational thinking with help to design, build, program, and improve a robot.
U - I cannot use computational thinking to design, build, program, and improve a robot.