I can use a design process to create imaginative solutions.

In this lesson, we will be creating a maze game. We will learn to use the when key pressed block and costume changes to make sprites move through a maze.

  • AKS-5 develop and employ strategies for understanding and solving problems in ways that use the power of technological methods to develop and test solutions

    IAO- 5d. create programs that include sequences, events, loops, conditionals, and variables

    AKS-6 select and use the most appropriate platform, tool, style, format and digital media to clearly and creatively express thoughts, messages, goals, or positions

    IOA-6.a create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations

  • E - I can create an interactive presentation with at least 1 add-on.

    S - I can create an interactive presentation.

    N - I am learning to create programs in CSFirst.

    U - I cannot create a program in CSFirst.