I can describe how the components of a computer work together to form a system.
Today, we will discuss how hardware and software can be used to make technology accessible to diverse users. We will watch 3 videos to see some examples.
You will then use what you have learned and your Makey Makey to create hardware and software useable by diverse users.
AKS-1 identify the features of current technologies and use that knowledge to understand emerging technologies
AKS-9 understand the relationship between technology, lifelong learning, and the appropriate use of information
2. obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to investigate electricity (GSE S5P2)
E - I completed the Makey Makey Animation and created hardware and software useable by diverse users.
S - I completed the Makey Makey Animation or created hardware and software useable by diverse users.
N - I did not complete either lesson.
U - I did not try my best to complete the lesson.