I can use computational thinking to create imaginative solutions.

In this lesson, we will be revisiting our maze games from last year. We will learn to use loops and conditionals to stop people from cheating. We will work together to add loops and conditionals to our maze games to create a negative consequence for players who try to go through the walls of the maze. Then, you will complete the flappy bird parsons problem to create a consequence for touching the green pipes.

  • AKS-5 develop and employ strategies for understanding and solving problems in ways that use the power of technological methods to develop and test solutions

    IAO- 5d. create programs that include sequences, events, loops, conditionals, and variables

    AKS-6 select and use the most appropriate platform, tool, style, format and digital media to clearly and creatively express thoughts, messages, goals, or positions

    IOA-6.a create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations

  • E - I can solve a parsons problem involving conditionals and loops and create a superhero animation.

    S - I can solve a parsons problem involving conditionals and loops or create a superhero animation.

    N - I am learning to use conditionals and loops.

    U - I cannot use conditionals and loops.