I can break down problems into smaller parts and use algorithms to solve them.

Today, we will be learning about decomposition. Decomposition is breaking a problem into smaller parts. This is important for solving many problems, but we will be focusing on solving a Rubik’s Cube.

The beginner method for solving the Rubik’s Cube decomposes the problem into the following steps:

1. Daisy

2. White Cross

3. White Corners

4. Middle Row

5. Yellow Cross

6. Yellow Corners

7. Adjust Yellow Corners

Then, we will practice making the daisy.

As we make the daisy, we will look for patterns and discuss pattern recognition and how it can help us solve problems.

  • AKS-5 develop and employ strategies for understanding and solving problems in ways that use the power of technological methods to develop and test solutions

  • E - I can break down a problem and use an algorithm to successfully solve it.

    S - I can break down a problem with help and use an algorithm to solve it.

    N - I can break down a problem with help and begin to use an algorithm to solve it.

    U - I cannot break down a problem or begin to use an algorithm to solve it.