In this unit, students will use computational thinking to create a paper robot. They will use “code” to “program” the paper robot to pose, move, and dance. Students will also complete programming activities in Scratch Jr. and Kodable and computational thinking activities on Gasha Go. Additionally, students will program Bee Bots to solve addition problems.

  • AKS-5 develop and employ Computational Thinking strategies (break-down, find  patterns, and create algorithms) to identify and solve problems

  • E - I can use computational thinking to successfully complete a variety of activities and I am always a responsible citizen in the computer lab.

    S - I can use computational thinking to complete a variety of activities and I am usually a responsible citizen in the computer lab.

    N -I sometimes use computational thinking to complete activities and I am sometimes a responsible citizen in the computer lab.

    U - I cannot use computational thinking to complete a variety of activities and I am rarely a responsible citizen in the computer lab.